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Selling on Etsy — The Long, Rattling Death March

3 Mar

I used to sell on Etsy, but stopped, when they began to force sellers to provide their personal bank info (which I did not want to give to them). I also felt they were starting to charge more and more fees. I too experienced automatic renewals even though I had turned them off. But all of this was small compared to the experiences shared here. I am hence sharing this.



12 Mar


March 07, 2018

After several weeks of drought and freezing cold, low “Wiebke” first brought rain and then snow, which lasted for a day and brought much needed precipitation. Within a few hours the white blanket was gone again and spring took over the next day. Winter slumber is definitely over! Alas, most early flowering plants had already blossomed at the end of an unusually warm January, and where then surprised by the Siberian cold that lasted throughout the month of February. In the end I ran around the garden with a watering can, carrying and pouring gallons of water from the rain barrel in our basement. Meanwhile we missed to empty the second rain barrel left outdoors and of course it burst when the water in it froze completely. To do: buy new rain barrel!

Now, there is still a bit of work to do with preparing the garden…

View original post 136 more words


14 Feb

A collection of photographs of wounds, scars and malformations on trees

Sakura Dream

14 Jul

Sakura Dream Seal

It is the ghost hour. Outside it has been raining all night. Window tilted, I am sitting on my desk, listening to the rain drops, hitting summer green leaves, the warm asphalt of the road, the stone of my window bench. The air smells of chlorophyll. In front of me is an empty glass bowl and a half-filled bottle, which emits an intoxicating scent, when opened. I should be in bed, as I have slept little, but instead my mind is on fire. I had to compose this incense blend, inspired by a dream I once had…

In this dream I am flying on a magic carpet. It is a warm sunny day. Using the upwind, I can speed up my flight, enjoying the slopes and turns, as tender petals of cherry blossoms softly brush my face. Mesmerized, I am riding through a cloud of white and pink and I want to freeze this moment. For the break of a second it becomes eternity, only to be carried away and onward. I can steer the carpet momentarily, but I cannot influence, where the journey is heading. We go higher, over hills and I observe the landscape from a bird’s eye view. In front of me are unfolding endless fields of blue lavender bushes. Then I am taken to an abandoned landscape garden, filled with fragrant roses. Someone is here, but before I can find out what is happening, I am gone. Then I find myself in an urban surrounding, my feet on the ground. I recognize the place, it is close to where I lived and regularly walked up and down the road, on which is bordering a graveyard. Just seconds before, I had been chasing down that steep hill with my magic carpet. Now I am at this noisy street. Here I meet the dead. A satisfied expression, a pile of documents in hands, a smiling face, communicate all I need to know. And that is it.

Sometimes the dead are very busy people. Other times all that is left of their souls are the tender sakura blossoms… For me remains the memory of a most wondrous dream flight.

Full Moon in Leo

24 Jan

Tonight I had a strange dream:

I found myself inside of an apartment, unknown to me, standing in the kitchen. The door towards the corridor was open, and at the other end I could see a room, which contained a large cage. Inside there was, for all I knew, a lion, and it was feeding time. Suddenly I thought that it was my job to feed it. But I did not find any provision for doing so and I began to worry that I needed to go inside… Then arose the next problem, because there was no food around. Simultaneously the lion was getting nervous inside and soon began manipulating the lock of the cage. Upon closer inspection the lock was just a simple bolt, which could easily be loosened, by shaking and hitting against the door and cage walls. Which was precisely what the lion was doing. I was certain, it was merely a matter of seconds until the door would break open and for the lion to jump out, hungry and angry, me being the first thing he’d see. Supper was ready and it was me… Suddenly I found myself outside, trying to explain the dangerous situation to my mom, who was however distracted and not listening. I began imagining the consequences if the lion escaped… and, for some reason, I was convinced the beast was extremely aggressive and bloodthirsty… I woke up before I could find out. The first thought upon awaking, I remembered it twas the full moon entering Leo…


Comment: It’s not the first time I dream of lions or big cats, and there is always a sensation of danger or fear involved, however, usually the fearful aspects dissolves throughout the dream, as I usually make friends with the creatures. This time I awoke,  before I could do so. Therefore I could get a glimpse of the potential and power that comes with this placement of the full moon in the fiery star sign of Leo. The quintessence of it being perhaps, to 1. best let the beast loose and roam freely, since it’s going to clear the way for itself anyhow, and 2. to get out of the way, and to do so sooner than later!

More Throwback: Dissection Midsummer Massacre

11 Jul


Recently a fan commissioned prints of my Dissection Midsummer Massacre photos. I used the opportunity and re-edited all of the official photos, as well some photos that have not been shared yet. Among them is this red photo of Jon. Due to the motion of the camera the candles on the stage altar are forming eleven numbers seven. I thought this was a nice detail, hence this date of 11/7.

Another photo I had not shared before is one of Jon and Erik Danielsson, rocking beside each other. It surely was a strange twist of fate that Erik would jump in for this very last concert in the history of Dissection. Yet on stage he fit in as any long-time member of a band would. I remember Jon commenting, how Erik was an artistic person and switching instruments would come just natural to him. He learnt the songs really quick. Erik put his heart and soul into the performance – as he always does.

Photos of the Dissection Midsummer Massacre, at Hovet, Stockholm 24/06 2006

For physical prints and print files of these photos please e-mail me at

Throwback: The Devil’s Blood

11 Jul

The Devil’s Blood, photos of the concert at Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin, 12/01 2012

These are photos I have not shared before and which, together with previously released photos, are being printed and then mailed to FL. Earlier a fan asked me for prints. FL said I could do whatever I want with these pics (nice gesture). So yes, you can order from me prints as a physical memory of this concert.

Of course a photo can only preserve a fragment of the intensity and emotions of the actual event. For me the photographing is part of the concert experience; I’m head-banging and photographing all at once. Hence the pics may turn out blurry or grainy. Yet there is always something interesting to find; with these photos I especially like the vibrancy of the colors in some as well as the mood in the red ones. To view the the full set go here.

For printed copies write to me at

Sensifer at Elbhangfest 2015

1 Jul

Saturday, June 27 2015

I arrive at Grottenwirtschaft, the sky is gray and clouded, but it has stopped raining… I am still tired from last night, now enjoying a beer, chatting and finally the music starts… at first glance one wouldn’t think so, but Dresden post-rock band Sensifer produce one massive guitar sound on stage, which draws you in and takes you away… it’s a weird surreal scenery: the band is playing inside this garage, the audience is standing at the other side of the road, in the distance the boats on the river and summer-green meadows… people are passing by as the band keeps playing, cyclists and passengers turn heads, slowing down, stopping, some stay and become immersed in the atmospheric guitar sound, others keep walking on by, from one stage to the next, following the river upstream and downstream… then the clouds tear open and the sun breaks through… rays of light are blinding me as I continue listening and photographing…

Sensifer play nearly 2 hours at this year’s Elbhangfest. I had come here because I expected this to be the perfect music for my melancholic mood. Turns out it is a hell lot of fun, which ultimately results in me walking around with the begging hat and collecting donations from the audience, who approves… Sensifer in concert means commitment. They are currently working on a new Ep. For news visit:

Deutsche Version:

Als ich an der Grottenwirtschaft ankomme, ist der Himmel grau und voll Wolken, aber es hat es aufgehört zu regnen. Ich bin noch müde von der letzten Nacht, genehmige mir nun ein Bier und unterhalte mich hier und da, bis die Musik endlich anfängt… Auf den ersten Blick würde man es nicht vermuten, aber die Dresdner Post-Rock Band Sensifer erzeugen einen gewaltigen Gitarren-Sound auf der Bühne, welcher dich hineinzieht und mitnimmt…

Es ist eine sonderbar surrealer Anblick: die Band spielt dort in dieser Garage, das Publikum steht auf der anderen Seite der Straße, in der Ferne sieht man die Bote auf dem Fluß und die sommergrünen Wiesen… dazwischen die Straße, Menschen laufen an uns vorbei, während die Band weiter spielt… im Vorbeilaufen drehen Fahrradfahrer und Passanten ihre Köpfe in Richtung Bühne, werden langsamer, bleiben stehen… manche verharren und tauchen in den atmosphärischen Gitarren-Sound ein, andere gehen weiter, von einer Bühne zur nächsten, sie folgen dem Fluß stromaufwärts und -abwärts… dann lichten sich die Wolken, die Sonne bricht hindurch, ich bin geblendet von ihren Strahlen, als ich weiter der Musik lausche und fotografiere…

Sensifer spielen beinahe 2 Stunden auf dem diesjährigen Elbhangfest. Ich kam mit der Erwartung her, dass die Musik sehr gut zu meiner melancholischen Stimmung passen würde. Doch am Ende war es ein Höllenspaß, was letztlich dazu führte, das ich mit dem Sammelhut herumging und vom Publikum Spenden einsammelte, welches die Aktion auch belohnte… Sensifer im Konzert, das bedeutet vor allem Hingabe.

Die Band arbeitet gerade an ihrer neuen EP. Für mehr Neuigkeiten besucht bitte die Website unter

Summer in the Garden: Henbane

28 Jul

Some garden impressions from this summer… I love my wicked green ‘dragon pit’ of Foxgloves, Henbane and Monkshood growing tall and into all directions. Black Henbane has become really large and is starting to look like a hydra with four necks… Vervain and Wormwood too have grown tall and bushy. Though they are still nothing in compare those Fennel giants! These are actually just common fennel plants (Foeniculum vulgare) sown 2 years ago. But a thick layer of garden compost is working magic on all my green this year.