Skull Candle

Skull Candle

The need to create my own skull candles sprang from my worship practice. Commercially available skull candles looked grimacing and not quite suitable for addressing my spirits. In addition I found it a challenge to create my own anatomical skull model. I sculpted the model from clay. When the skull was ready and fired, I took it to a dental technician, who suggested modeling the teeth in a more realistic manner. When this was done, we did the latex mold. I cast over 100 skull candles with this mold until it eventually broke. The candles were one of the first items offered through my occult mail order site. The customers would then be confronted with the question, whether to burn the candle or keep and adore it. The candle becomes a religious object of worship and a focus for contemplating topics such as vanity, mortality and the cycle of death and life.

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